

Hello Rosemont Community,

It is with great joy and enthusiasm that I extend my sincere appreciation for being your Superintendent. I am honored to be a part of this close-knit community and to have the privilege of serving as the leader of Rosemont School District 78.

Previously, I have served as a teaching assistant in Mattoon CUSD 2, social/literature studies teacher for seven years in South Berwyn D100, an assistant principal for six years at Mannheim SD 83, and the principal of Westmont Junior High in CUSD 201 for over nine years.  I had the pleasure of being the Director of Student Services and Early Childhood Programs before leaving the district.  Somewhere along the way, I found a way to serve in, and retire from, the United States Army/Illinois National Guard. I have been married for 22 years to my beautiful wife Tonia, who is also an educator in Batavia.  We have three kids, Katie, Jackson (13), and Addie (11).  In 2016, we lost our oldest child, Katie, to an accident with a drunk driver.  Knowing how precious life is, please know I will care and be there for your children like they are my own.  Another member of my family you may see around Rosemont is Emmy.  Emmy is a gentle, 5 year-old goldendoodle that serves as an Educational Assistance Dog.  She has grown up around students and staff and takes her role of giving and receiving love very seriously!  She has worked with students ranging in ages from 3-22 years old.  If your child has a concern with dogs, please reach out to the school and let us know.  Her integration will be deliberate and gradual.

My vision for our district is one of collaboration, student-centered focus, and continuous improvement. I firmly believe education is a partnership between the school, parents, and the community. With open lines of communication and mutual respect, we can work hand in hand to provide our students with the best possible education and support they deserve.

Principal Peter Schaul (the taller gentleman in the photograph) and I believe our team of educators and staff are the backbone of our district, and we are committed to supporting their professional growth and well-being. It is by empowering our teachers and staff, we can inspire a passion for lifelong learning that will undoubtedly reflect in the achievements of our students. We are dedicated to an environment where students feel safe, encouraged, and inspired to explore, dream, and achieve beyond their imagination.

We also believe parents and guardians play an integral role in a child’s education, and we value your partnership immensely. Please join us by participating in school events and communicating with teachers and administration.

We are all looking forward to a successful year both academically and socially.


John K. Jonak


Dress Like a Student/Teacher Fall 2023